

The baby food brand Nipiol is perceived as a good product with a very good value. Too often though, consumers are ready to substitute it with Private Label or products on discount, if perceived to be more convenient. A market research pointed out how the key values of the brand were indeed value, simplicity and being Italian.

Starting from the brand’s established values, it is necessary to create a strong personality consumers can relate to, encouraging them to stay with the brand even when the main competitors offer discounted products. As a consequence the whole line needs to be redesigned to be unique and distinctive on the shelf. Furthermore, the new design should include elements to reassure suspicious consumers about the product quality.

In order to be relevant to consumers, the brand value of simplicity had to be translated into something they could easily relate to, such as tenderness, cheerful happiness – typical of babies- and joy – the one of being parents. These values have been conveyed with several devices:

– a tagline describes the brand’s story as one of simplicity and joy, being on the babies’ side since 1966; this both reassures consumers and positions the brand;

– several cartoon characters (especially created for each ingredient) convey the empathy and cheerfulness babies are able to inspire their parents with;

– the heart shaped frame around the logo (formerly monochromatic) has been coloured as a rainbow to restate joy and lightness;

– a series of balloons on the rear provide parents with specific information using a very simple and joyful language;

– the image of the baby is not static, but rather pictures a yummy, happy moment;

– the claim system on the front (further expanded on the side) uses hearts to point out each benefit, reinforcing trust.

To convey naturality, the former flat blue background around the logo has been replaced with a blue sky, giving a lighter and simpler feel to the whole package.

The consumer has been reminded of the simple Italian recipe on each claim system to state, once more, the Italian character of the brand.





Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Packaging Design
