Sapor di Cascina

Penny market


Penny Market is an German discount supermarket chain operating in several European countries. Its first Italian store was opened in 1994. Its offering include several private label brands such as Sapor di Cascina which is used to sell fresh meats.


Penny Market needs to restyle the Sapor di Cascina brand and extend it also to salumi/cured meats. Since those foods are meant for daily consumption, it is necessary to raise the consumer trust in the brand and make him feel it as genuine and close to his daily life.


In order to raise the trust in the brand the oval shaped logo was replaced with a circular one. This new shape is perceived as simpler, cosier and warmer. The pay off also reiterates the proximity as it reads “Fresh Everyday”. The colours used for the packagings are natural and remind those of the land. In the system for fresh meats, a simple pictogram and a coloured band help the consumer to individuate the right type of meat. Within the band, the meat name has been written in italic to increase the sense of warmth and familiarity. In the cured meats packaging a wide window shows the product and, wherever possible, a flag has been placed along with the claim 100% Italian meat.


Sapor di Cascina




Packaging Design
